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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Understanding Nexus -- Part 18 -- RIP

RIP is Routing Information Protocol which uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets to exchange routing information. It’s usually used in very small networks.

Cisco NX-OS does not support IPv6 for RIP.

Here we will discuss on RIPv2 since Cisco NX-OS does not support RIPv1. If it receives a RIPv1 packet, it logs a message and drops that packet. Also NX-OS does not establish adjacencies with RIPv1 routers.

RIP uses the two message types:

Request Message - Sent to the multicast address to request route updates from other RIP-enabled routers.

Response Message - Sent every 30 seconds by default. Response messages are also sent after router receives a Request message. It contains the entire RIP routing table. RIP process sends multiple response packets, if the RIP routing table is big and cannot fit in single packet.

RIP uses a hop count as a routing metric. The hop count is the number of routers that a packet can traverse before reaching its destination. A directly connected network has a metric of 1; an unreachable network has a metric of 16.


RIPv2 supports authentication. NX-OS supports a simple password or an MD5 authentication.

RIP authentication can be configured on per interface basis by using key-chain. The encrypted password is used with all RIP messages (Request or Response).

Split Horizon

Split horizon is a method that controls the sending of RIP updates and query packets. When you enable split horizon on an interface, Cisco NX-OS does not send update packets for destinations that were learned from this interface.

By default, split horizon is enabled on all interfaces.


You can configure multiple summary aggregate addresses for a specified interface. If more specific routes are present in the routing table, RIP advertises the summary address from the interface with a metric equal to the smallest metric of the specific routes.

Note: Cisco NX-OS does not support automatic route summarization.

Load Balancing

NX-OS supports the Equal Cost Multiple Paths (ECMP) feature with up to 16 equal-cost paths in the RIP route table and the unicast RIB.

Configuring RIP

switch# config t
switch(config)# feature rip
switch(config)# router RIP Enterprise
switch(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast
switch(config-router-af)# distance 30
switch(config-router-af)# max-paths 10

Adding an Interface
Here we have to add an interface to the routing process.

switch# config t
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2
switch(config-if)# ip router rip Enterprise

Configuring RIP Authentication
To configure authentication, first create a Key.

switch# conf t
switch(config)# key chain rip-keys
switch(config-keychain)# key 13
switch(config-keychain-key)# key-string 0 Secure-Key

Apply it on the interface

switch# config t
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2
switch(config-if)# ip rip authentication mode md5
switch(config-if)# ip rip authentication keychain rip-keys

Passive Interface

You can configure a RIP interface to receive routes but not send route updates by setting the interface to passive mode.

switch(config-if)# ip rip passive-interface

Configuring Split Horizon with Poison Reverse

Split Horizon is enabled by default. But still you can configure poison-reverse on an interface to advertise routes with unreachable metric.

switch(config-if)# ip rip poison-reverse

Configuring Summarization

NX-OS advertises the summary address metric that is the smallest metric of all the specific routes.

switch(config-if)# ip router rip summary-address

Tuning RIP

RIP uses several timers that determine the frequency of routing updates, the length of time before a route becomes invalid, and other parameters. You can adjust these timers as per your network requirements.

switch(config-router-af)# timers basic 30 180 180 120

update - determine the frequency of routing updates, The range is from 5 to any positive integer. The default is 30.
Timeout - time that Cisco NX-OS waits before declaring a route as invalid. If Cisco NX-OS does not receive route update information for a route before the timeout interval ends, Cisco NX-OS declares the route as invalid. The range is from 1 to any positive integer. The default is 180.
Holddown - time during which Cisco NX-OS ignores better route information for an invalid route. NX-OS waits for invalid route to become valid again, before using the new route. The range is from 0 to any positive integer. The default is 180.
garbage-collection - time from when Cisco NX-OS marks a route as invalid until Cisco NX-OS removes the route from the routing table. The range is from 1 to any positive integer. The default is 120.

switch(config-if)# ip rip metric-offset 10
Adds a value to the metric for every router received on this interface. The range is from 1 to 15. The default is 1.

switch(config-if)# ip rip route-filter route-map InputMap in
Specifies a route map to filter incoming or outgoing RIP updates

To Check

show run rip
show ip rip instance [instance-tag]?

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